
Growth Chart

I'm remembering the Growth Chart that Mom kept behind our bedroom door when we were little. The pencil marks showed how tall we were at each stage of our childhood...all three of us sisters, we were "stair-steps". That chart is probably painted over by now, in the house that we grew up in. The memories are alive, and that's what counts.

I remember the chart, because today our marriage turns three years old. We're toddling through, sometimes with repeated bruises to the noggin. But, we're growing, and I'm thankful. It has been a fun year. We took risks and saw God provide for us in big ways.

Jesus, help us hold on to Your hand as we learn to walk.


orangejack 22/5/07 3:51 PM  

congrats on three years!

Unknown 22/5/07 10:41 PM  

Happy Anniversary, you guys!

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