The Commercialism of Christmas
Tis the season...for long lines, credit card debt, bad traffic, and a constant ringing in your ear from the Bell Ringers. I guess there is lots of things we dread about this time of year...many people even say that the reason for Christmas is drowned out by the commercialism of the holidays.
I was listening to a radio broadcast last week...I think it was Focus On The Family with James Dobson, but it could have been FamilyLife Today...they were talking about the true stories behind the traditions of Christmas. Things like mistletoe, candy canes, lights on trees, etc. One thing they said really struck me. How do we deal with the commercialism of Christmas? Whoever was talking (unfortunately, I don't remember his name) had this to say about it...what if we saw the commercialism of Christmas as a good thing? Because of how commercial Christmas is, most every country in the world celebrates Christmas in some form or another, even if it's just because Americans do. People in India and Burkina Faso (its a real country!) put up Christmas trees and exchange gifts. What a powerful opportunity to show love and share about the GOOD NEWS of Christmas with people who may not even know why they celebrate.
WE know the true meaning of this special holiday. We know that even if there were no lights or candy canes or boxes with bows, Jesus is still so worthy of being celebrated. Don't let the commercialism of Christmas get you down or distract you this year. Its part of the big picture. Long lines...full of people who need HIM. Bad traffic, with drivers searching for the right gift...and the answers to life's big questions. Gift giving...we know about the best gift in the world.
What an interesting idea. . .I guess we should make lemonade out of the lemons, huh?
Good post. I think I will use Burkina Faso next week as a country to pray for out of the "Operation World" book. Just to inform you, the capitol of B.F. is kidding. Next time Alex asks this on Jeopardy, you can thank me, or the guys from Op. World. If you know how to say that, let me know.
i've actually been to Ouagadougou...(it's pronounced Wagadoogoo). you're never the same after visiting a third-world country (or village). i hear the same reactions from my friends that have been on the Grove Mexico trip. its truly humbling to be with people who have so little...yet are thankful for so much. they see Americans as being so privaledged, i see them and feel so selfish for what we don't even realize we have. thanks for your comments!! :)
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