
The new normal

Just finished feeding Liam. We're all getting a little rest. I couldn't resist posting this sweet picture of him. Hope you're all having a good night. See ya tomorrow.


Andie 27/3/09 8:32 AM  

Hi Virginia,

I saw your tweet about cloth diapers and wanted to let you know about our newborn experience. I am using the same Bum Genius 3.0 pockets, plus a few others, that we used for Louise, but Alice is just now able to wear them at 2 months and a little under 10 pounds. She tends to pee a lot, so I have them on the lowest newborn setting but with both inserts. Her onesies are a little tight, but it's working.

For her first month and a half, I did have a couple Kissaluvs newborn size and a wrap that we used on occasion. Besides that, we just bought disposables. Since this is going to be our last baby, I didn't want to spend a lot on cloth diapers that I wouldn't use again. But, if you guys are planning on having more kids, the investment is always worth it. The Kissaluvs fit Alice well and they are relatively well priced.

Anyway, I hope that helps and that you are getting some sleep!!!

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