
Tonight I am...

-Setting up my "space" on Andrew's Powerbook

-Working on laundry
-Facebook stalking
-About to go read

My brain feels like mush lately. There's a lot going on, but I'm not sure that much of it is blog-worthy. The biggest recent news is that we don't have to move in two weeks. I'm so thankful, and its a huge stress relief. I've been really busy at work, most of it feels like I'm putting out fires, but there's a lot of projects I'm working on too. I've been reminding myself of the greater purpose for my job lately. Ultimately, so that the nations will know that our Father speaks their heart language. Its a worthy purpose, and it motivates me to do my best work. 

Been thinking a lot about our friends in Lebanon, the Sniders. Praying that He will be near.


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