
Crossing the USA, in 23 minutes

"23 minutes to touchdown, Space Shuttle Discovery is currently flying at 15,300 miles per hour, passing over Pacific Coast of Canada..."

I'm listening to NASA TV online, Discovery lands at Canaveral in 22 minutes...and right now its crossing the border between Canada and United States over Montana. This boggles my mind!


Stu 8/11/07 9:17 AM  

Yeah, we could actually see the condensation trail from AR. Crazy really.

Shelly 20/11/07 2:54 PM  

Jesse comes down to your area all the time to prepare his repair tools for launch and load them on the shuttle a day or two before lift-off (it's temperature sensitive material).

We'll have to get together sometime for a launch! We'd love to see you guys and are so excited that you are loving your job and Andrew's program is almost complete. The Lord is so good!

- Shelly

Hillary 24/11/07 7:59 AM  

Did NOT know you were a blogger?!?! I'm so glad you found me! I'll definitely add you as one of my "Blogging BFFs." I'm so pumped the Hogs won!!! It's crazy!!!! I hope you're doing well!!!

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