Where have you gone my winter coat friend?
January 24th and it's a cool 63 degrees outside. I have just returned from guys night at Tijuana Flats, a local burrito chain. I am currently ripping and listening to the new Shins album, Wincing the Night Away. The cd was a gift from a guy in my life group named Tim. Tim and I share similar tastes in music which immediately made us friends. I find myself starting to like music again. I've been having sort of a dry spell lately. It probably happens once a year. I go through a few months of where I feel like my music is a stranger from a foreign land, and I know not how to translate it's quips. This dry spell has been going on for more than half a year. But now I feel I have been invited to listen again, and it's a miraculous feeling. I feel like my 19 year old self who used to send out those massive email journals spouting my dreams and fears and loves before blogs were part of our lexicon. So these are my dreams, to spend more time with you because I think of you often. There are many times where i wish you were hear or I with you: at the David Bazan concert, walking down park place avenue, smoking cigars on the back porch, heads up with Dasun on a tuesday night game, at the men's retreat wondering why Stu is sleepwalking and eating cheese flavored paint. I miss trip Brett, and everyday Brett and the conversations me, you, Elise and Virginia would have around the big round red rug, you two I will forever cherish. Eating Barbecue Chicken at Lafe's and watching the Jones' sing songs from Waiting for Guffman. Listening to Harper tell great stories about his kids. I miss getting the call from eoff saying that he'll be at poker night and that making me excited. I miss the late night talks with Stevo in many different cities. I miss lunch with Ro and his humors. I miss Tucker's calm demeanor and his big heart. I miss cold winters. I miss watching your kids grow up.
None of this to say I'm not more than happy to be here. God is so good through the changes he steers us through. I'm so glad that Mitch and Kathy Jackson are a part of our life now, your friendship is one the greatest gifts this move has provided. Tim, I'm excited to see the final outcome of these challenges you've been facing, He will make your paths straight, whether you stay or go "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you." Jonny B, I really enjoyed Sunday night, I feel a true camaraderie with you, and hold you in the highest respects, thank you for seeking me out at Amigo's the other night, it meant a lot. Rona, Angie, and Amanda thank you for your friendships with my bride. I appreciate your senses of humor and maturity. You are examples spiritual femininity and the men of our group appreciate your Christ-centered hearts. Danielle, welcome to the family! We're so excited you've joined our group. I love your fresh perspective on spiritual matters.
Finally, Virginia, you are the greatest blessing. I am amazed by the richness of our lives. I have never been more excited about our marriage and where we are headed. You challenge me and inspire me and help keep me grounded when my head is in the clouds too long. You never let me make excuses and you continue to surprise me. These past 8 months have been a great adventure, with ups and downs, but God has proven Himself faithful. Here's to completing more of the "shoulds" in our lives and to always growing.
So to all my friends listed and nought, I bid you a good evening with many blessings and white hot chocolates.
"...for a shiney new quarter...would you tell me your schemes?"
great post...reminds me of getting to read some of your poetry when I stayed at your house in LR for the first time, and was amazed by your talent. I miss driving to A&M through the middle of the night w/ you and Keogh and the Elmo that sat astride the rear view mirror, mocking us and our delirium. I miss the 5 of us sitting on the hill in Virginia Beach watching Dave Matthews and being determined "homosexual" by the group of girls sitting accross from us. I miss listening to nothing but bass during the first song of U2's concert in Atlanta, and the panic we felt prior to solving the problem and standing in the aisles. Lots of good memories bro. you rock. We miss ya'll!
Good memories and so many more ahead!
Ohhh...thanks for being thankful for us! Looking forward to Hilton Head and Charleston!!!
love, kath (& mitch)
I just saw this post. Otherwise I would have commented earlier.
We miss you guys too. Thanks for the kind words.
Trip Brett has been locked a bit lately - he needs to breathe every once in a while...
The freewheelin' 80's were the best.
"where have you gone my blogger friend"...new blog needed!
j/k - I just miss ya'lls updates.
peace out.
WE MISS YOU. We haven't played Catan since you left.
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