
the felt board

I've been feeling restless lately. Being at the end of school is a great feeling and I'm excited about the future but everything has been a little daunting lately. I'm ready for family vacation next week, but this morning my car wouldn't start and my breaks recently started squeaking and we're supposed to be taking that car to Georgia next week because it get the better gas mileage. It just feels like one more thing on the list. God has definitely provided for us the past two years and He's shown us over and over again this is where we're supposed to be right now, but I think it's been harder lately because the end is in sight. I don't know the type of job I'll get or where it will be. I know I'm not guaranteed financial security or a car that works, but I have been blessed with an amazing wife, and a great family and in-laws, and more friends than i can count. I'm just wrestling with it/Him today.


Anonymous,  12/6/08 3:49 PM  

amen!!! PREACH IT BROTHER...We are on the same page!!! -Mark Wagner

Dustin Moody 12/6/08 10:11 PM  

You talk of a familiar feeling, Andrew. Praying for you and Virginia and thankful that I can call you both friends...and looking forward to Chicago!!!

Cindy Lofton 13/6/08 7:48 PM  

stay strong brother. We are praying for you, looking forward to sitting and talking, swimming, eating some BBQ. Your doing an awesome thing and God will reward you both for your faithfulness.


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